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Highly-motivated consultants
Responsive and pragmatic, our consultants will provide you with a high-quality service, with keen attention to detail. We favour a “consultative” approach, based on listening to our clients and our applicants and understanding their needs. The resulting “win-win” relationships ensure a successful process for both you and the successful applicant.
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Working closely together
With a close understanding of their candidates and their development, and thoroughly aware of the wider economic situation, our consultants draw on both these strengths to make work placements that will last. In this way they build ""win-win"" relationships that allow both your company and the candidates you hire to move forward.
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A responsible business
What does “sustainability” mean to the Interiman Group? While profitable growth remains our core concern, we believe that some of our profits should also go towards enhancing the well-being of our employees. That means taking steps to keep all staff in good physical and mental health and happy with their home and work situation, and providing access to training and education and opportunities to engage in lifetime learning to keep developing their skills. We believe that better working conditions now should not come at the expense of future generations. That means acting now to safeguard the natural resources that are vital for a successful future: a plentiful supply of clean water, outdoor spaces and forests, raw materials, clean air, etc.
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Familiarity with your industry
Our consultants listen carefully to identify your specific requirements, and are also thoroughly familiar with your industry – which means they can see exactly what you’re looking for. As specialists in your sector, they share your understanding of your industry. Before long they will actually be able to anticipate your staffing requirements, freeing you up to concentrate on your core business.